Tag Archives: people

The highlight of the long weekend…

The highlight of my long weekend was spending time with my family and pets!

I enjoyed simply relaxing and being surrounded by everyone I love.

I forever keep the image in my mind of my family, friends and animals.

Sitting here typing away, analysing my weekend makes me feel tremendously fortunate to have such splendid individuals in my life.

Many are divided about spending time with their family and would rather spend time with a portable hand-held device that steals precious moments away from them… I on the other hand appreciate my beautiful family and pets around me and personally would much rather spend my valuable time with those I know will talk to me and look me in the eyes with love and kindness.

Charlotte x

With Just One Wish…

I would wish for world peace…

War torn countries all over the world are suffering immensely, people go to great measures in oder to cause greif for others.

I see no purpose in war or cruelty towards innocent people.

It is the year 2014 not 1914, wars should be banished by now !

There are so many precious lives on this earth that are ruiend by war and disharmony.

Every human should have the right to explore the world and live their life !

Though in many unfortunate cases, lives are cut short by a miniscule disagreement gone wrong or blown out of proportion !

This world should be peaceful !

Charlotte x