Tag Archives: animals

The highlight of the long weekend…

The highlight of my long weekend was spending time with my family and pets!

I enjoyed simply relaxing and being surrounded by everyone I love.

I forever keep the image in my mind of my family, friends and animals.

Sitting here typing away, analysing my weekend makes me feel tremendously fortunate to have such splendid individuals in my life.

Many are divided about spending time with their family and would rather spend time with a portable hand-held device that steals precious moments away from them… I on the other hand appreciate my beautiful family and pets around me and personally would much rather spend my valuable time with those I know will talk to me and look me in the eyes with love and kindness.

Charlotte x

After I Graduate…

I will…

Continue on to university and study Veterinary science.

Many people have lists of things they would like to do after graduating their many years of schooling, yet I really do have my heart set on becoming a veterinary surgeon…

I am looking forward to university, although I still have many years of school to complete.

It will be exciting and highly rewarding to move on to studying a topic in which you have a passion and interest in.

I can’t wait to meet other students -with similar interests to myself- in university and discuss the many topics of veterinary science with them!

It will be great to have independence and responsibility, I am looking forward to having a well balanced life of study, family, friends and animals!

One day I hope to look back on this post and have a Bachelor of Veterinary Science!

Charlotte x

The worse thing in the world…

The worse thing in the world is animal cruelty, why shall we be so careless towards the inspirational animals in the world around us.

Animal cruelty is an issue in our world, in which many people do not understand or have very little knowledge about.

Animal cruelty comes in many forms such as; skinning (the painful removal of skin for the skin or fur of an animal ), animal testing (the testing of cosmetic or commercial products on animals), animal abuse (abusive behaviour towards an animal), factory farming (the suffering of animals in farming), puppy farms (unstable dogs in appalling conditions – bred to death).

Why can’t we simplify this issue by stopping as much of it as possible !

Children, adolescents and adults in this world must learn that the rights of animals are exceedingly important.

Please help the animals of our world and keep them healthy and radiant by supporting products that do not indorse animal testing or animal cruelty.

Stand up for the rights of animals.

We are the voices for the animals today !

Charlotte x